By Lee Hunt, IADC president, 1990-2012

It’s been a distinct pleasure to have served as president of IADC for the past 22 years and to have served with the association before that for six additional years. The time comes for a changing of the guard at the top, and I’m pleased to announce that my successor is Stephen Colville, who most recently was vice president of communications for Shell’s projects and technology business. Stephen has more than 30 years’ experience in government policy and relations, corporate public affairs and lobbying with organizations such as Chevron and the UK Department of Trade and Industry.
While it may seem an unusual step for an association representing drilling contractors to appoint someone with operator/producer experience, lessons learned from Macondo have taught us that we are all stakeholders in this industry. We are in this together. It takes mutual understanding of how we each operate in order to achieve collaborative success.
Over the past nearly three decades, the association has emerged as a global authority for the drilling industry. Our membership has expanded to drilling contractors, operating companies and service companies headquartered around the world, truly achieving a global membership base.
Guiding us through this expansion has been the principle of “Do what is right for the rig.” The rig is the great equalizer in service to our membership, no matter how many rigs or how few in the fleet, no matter the size of the company, and no matter whether they are geographically localized or globally positioned. IADC believes that by pursuing the best interests of the rigs, we are acting in the best interest of our member companies.
In the process, keeping our focus on the rigs means we’re also keeping our feet planted firmly. Our efforts are directly beneficial to the work force of our members, from roustabout to CEO.
Over the years, we also have achieved an increasing level of professionalization in the IADC staff. Many have advanced, professional degrees. All have years of industry experience. Most are recognized as leading experts in the areas they staff, and this makes them very valuable partners with our members.
Our staff has worked and will continue to work to be proactively relevant to the daily business of our members. Companies in today’s drilling business want options and speed, and IADC has a responsive staff to provide what they need.
I am excited and encouraged to deliver into the hands of my successor a highly successful, capable, competent, professional and outstanding IADC. I look forward to watching us rise to the industry’s future challenges and doing what it will take to move IADC to the next level. I know we can. I know we will.
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